Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First Post.

Hey y'all!!  I'm SO ridiculously excited about this new creative venture.  I was feeling thoroughly uninspired by my old "Rustic Elegance" name.  It didn't fit, it didn't inspire me and I needed a blank slate.  Thanks to a few friends that let me bounce ideas off them before finally deciding on my new name.


New name!  New logo!  New blog!  New etsy shop: --I don't have anything listed other than two reserved listings for people that have ordered through Facebook.  look for finished products soon when I have a chance to buy some canvases and get creative!

Speaking of getting creative, since coming up with a new name, my creative juices have been in overdrive.  I've spent most nights laying in bed sketching in my notebook.  Or I've gotten on the laptop and come up with ideas on my picture editing software.  Here's some of my doodles so far.

Already working on a real-life version of this one for an order.  Pumped!

Here's my newest brainchild.  I'm thinking about making a gallery wall in our master bedroom and making this painting with the address of our first home on it, made to look like a piece of mail.....complete with the date stamp of when we moved in.

I'm thinking this would look really cool with an old clock I have and couple of pictures.  If you've really been world travelers, or home hoppers, this would look really neat if you had several on one wall together, in my opinion!

Well, until next update!  I'm SO excited about this new adventure you guys.  Keep the orders coming!!